Covid-19 : preventive measures and travel to France information

Article Publié le 14/04/2020 Lecture : 4 minutes

French authorities have taken and published a certain number of recommendations and measures to prevent and slow the spread of Covid-19; this document aims to relay this information and to shed light on any concerns or queries you may have.
Find hereafter the French Government official website giving information and guidance regarding the current outbreak of coronavirus disease COVID-19 in France:

Containment and confinement system

Within France, a containment and confinement system has been implemented throughout the country from Tuesday, March 17 at 12:00 noon to Monday, May 11 at the earliest. Leaving one’s residence is prohibited except in the following circumstances and in possession of a written certificate:
  • Travel between home and the place of work, when it is essential for the exercise of activities that cannot be organized in the form of teleworking or business travel that cannot be postponed.
  • Travel to make purchases of supplies necessary for the professional activity and essential purchases in establishments whose activities remain authorized (list on
  • Medical consultations and care that cannot be provided at a distance and cannot be postponed; consultations and care for patients with long-term illnesses.
  • Travel for compelling family reasons, for assistance to vulnerable persons or childcare.
  • Short journeys, within the limit of one hour per day and within a maximum radius of one kilometer around home, related either to the individual physical activity of persons, excluding any collective sporting activities and any proximity to other persons (forbidden between 10:00 am et 7:00pm in the Paris Ile-de-France Region), or to walking with only the persons grouped together in the same home, or to the needs of pets.
  • Judicial or administrative summons.
  • Participation in missions of general interest at the request of the administrative authority.
Following May 11, depending on the situation that will prevail,  the confinement may be progressively lifted, while new specific sanitary measures are implemented. As such, not all public places will reopen at once, in particular bars and restaurants,or events and festivals will remain closed for a longer period.

The certificate required to leave your residence and on which you must state the reason why, is available on the following page:

In addtion, a digital travel certification device has been implemented:

For the tourism sector and your travels to France

The president has announced that specific economic measures will be taken in order to help the tourism sector. These measures should be announced next month (May). 

The borders of the Schengen area have been closed from March 17- noon for an initial period of 30 days. 

Once the containment and confinement system will have been lifted, certain restrictions will remain. As announced by the President, French international borders should remain  closed until further notice
In the context of the implementation of the state of health emergency in France, access restrictions to Mainland France and to French Overseas territories are in effect. Every traveller is requested, from April 8, 2020, 12 AM, to fill out and carry one of the following travel certificate according to his situation:
  • for a trip from mainland France to French overseas territories
  • for an international travel from abroad to mainland France
  • for an international travel from abroard to French overseas territories 
The document is to be presented to transportation companies before boarding, as well as to border control authorities.
  • Procedures implemented by certain companies
Air France: find all the necessary information if you wish to postpone or cancel your trip:
SNCF (French National Railroads): In addition to subscribers, in general for all customers and to enable everyone to prepare their journeys calmly, Voyages SNCF has taken exceptional measures since March 9: the exchange and refund costs of TGV INOUI and Intercités TGV tickets as well as those of connecting TER trains are free of charge until June 24 inclusive, on all distribution channels.
For furthermore information, this link (EN) will answer any enquiries you may have: 
ACCOR Hotel: For all customers who have booked directly with Accor via the website, the ALL application, the general call center or directly with one of our hotels. 
If they have booked at a flexible rate, they can modify or cancel their reservation by going to the site and clicking on "My reservations" or by contacting Accor general booking center.
If they have booked a non flexible fare, they can modify or cancel their reservation by contacting Accor general booking center.
Finally, customers who have booked via a travel agency, online booking platform or other third party channel are invited to contact the relevant booking entity directly for any assistance requests.
  • Safety:
Find hereafter a link towards advices for travelers established by French authorities: (EN)
Foreign tourists wishing to leave France should call their travel operator/provider, and/or airline or train company, as well as their national embassy in France.
If need be, our Atout France offices are at your disposal for any additional information and to answer any questions you may have
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